Feasibility and capital planning
Select Services LLC has decades of experience in leading feasibility and capital planning for our food and beverage business partners. Our expertise in construction, process systems, process improvement, and business operations has given us an advantage in assisting our clients in making large scale food and beverage investment decisions.
Since it is equally important to see our clients’ projects and business operations succeed, we take pride in delivering detailed feasibility studies to our clients. We believe that it is critical to proving an owners’ capital investment has a beneficial return to their organization and aligns with business goals. Select Services has analyzed the ROI of numerous projects that result in executing or eliminating a project. With this approach, our owners can deliver successful projects, manage successful capital project program management, and finish projects with a beneficial ROI for stakeholders.
Capital Project Planning & Execution
Owners continue to implement multi-million dollar capital project programs that involve challenging timelines, demanding requirements, and complicated purchasing of goods and services for dozens to hundreds of projects. While organizations continue to self-manage their programs, they face increased internal and external challenges that put their capital projects program and strategic growth at risk. Select Services leads our clients’ capital project programs to make sure organizations meet business goals and projects are executed successfully with intended outcomes. Our expert staff and resources do this by implementing the best and proven project management methodology as part of our capital project planning and execution services.
Contact us to learn more about Select Services and how we can support your next project!
Select Services LLC
514 West Randall St
Coopersville, MI 49404
(616) 384-3303
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