From Grass to Glass!
Select Services enters fluid milk glass bottling market in providing feasibility and owners representation in start-up glass bottle production line serving growing consumer demand for sustainable farm to table glass bottle milk.
Select Services, LLC Launches Retail Butter Start-Up
Select Services, LLC is selected to lead $20M contract as owner’s representative for Texas retail butter start-up producing 600 butter sticks per minute for North America’s leading butter brands.
New Milk Drying and Butter Production Facility
Select Services, LLC is awarded the contract for the overall design, planning, project management & owner’s representation of a new quarter of a billion-dollar milk drying and butter production facility in West Texas.
2015 Dairy Foods “Processor of the Year”
The new fairlife, LLC low acid aseptic processing and packaging facility, project managed by Select Services, LLC, has been awarded the 2015 Dairy Foods, “Processor of the Year.”
Scale/Lab Facility & Raw Milk Receiving Expansion Completed
Select Services, LLC successfully completes a new scale/lab and raw milk receiving expansion, capable of receiving in excess of 6 million pounds of milk per day. The project was completed under budget and ahead of the planned schedule.
Select Services LLC
514 West Randall St
Coopersville, MI 49404
(616) 384-3303
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